Physical education provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness. Our qualified, experienced physical instructors help students in training them in the right way.
Shantinikethan School hosts weekly Yoga classes for the students. Flexibility of body and mental peace are some of the key benefits of regular yoga. Yoga is accepted worldwide as one of the most effective form of exercise to influence the mental control. A qualified yoga trainer imparts basic yoga knowledge for the classes 3rd to 9th standards.
Karate Class offers many benefits for young children. Improved physical fitness, superior mind-body coordination, and self-discipline are just some of the characteristics of a martial art practitioner, that immediately come to mind.
Rhythm and co-ordination of movement are brought out through dance. Children are helped to discover their inherent ability to sing. The finer aspects of music is ably trained by the Music Teachers.
It provides a platform for the students to use their scientific knowledge and bring the best invention from their brains. It also allows students to work together in groups and learn from each other. They share their ideas and collectively galvanize those ideas to bring something innovative into implementation.